Stick Up Boys: Electronic Funk - PC/Mac - ACIDized WAV/ Apple Loops/AIFF Files/REX2 Loops/Ableton Live 8.1.3/ Reason Refill/MIDI - Royalty-free - £34.95.
For those of you used to the vox packs the lads have produced over the years then you'll find this is a definite - but very appetising - departure from their usual electro output.
This time they focus on good old funk but it goes without saying they put their own stamp on it so it stands out from the norm.
You get five folders of goodies which are:
- Missing - Gmaj - 96bpm
- Diamond - Em - 90bpm
- Hot Sticky - C#maj - 78.5bpm
- Bridge - Emaj - 77bpm
- Super - Emaj - 92bpm
I must admit it is strange to not hear the lads exercising their vox BUT saying that, you do get a ''shalalala' chant in the Diamond kit.
Anyway, the music is, as always, solid gold and gets your creative juices flowing.
Of course, if your a newbie to the game of bedroom music producing, then the kits are an ideal way for you to learn how to put things together but if you are an 'old hand' at the game then feel free to mix and match the sounds from this pack AND timestretch up and down because (as always) with Producer Loops there is no loss of audio quality at all.
So, you could 'up the game' by tweaking the tempo all the way up to around 120bpm if you want to experiment.
As for the music, everything is nice and tuneful and you get the likes of bass, brass, drums, guitar, synths and keys - and my personal faves are the guitars which give you rhythm, riffs, leads and good old 'wah-wah'.
As always, don't take my word for it, click the link below for the product page, check out the audio demo and even grab yourself a free zip file of sounds from this ACE library then buy it TODAY!!!
OH YES - don't forget to check out the other products on the site by The Stick Up Boys and you'll know that Brighton Rocks!!!